1. What did you learn about photography that you did not know before?
What i learned in photography was how to view objects and life from a different light. Theres all sorts of different perceptions on photography and all of them are right. Something whats ugly to one person can be an amazing piece of art to the next. You can make beauty from anything. I also learned how to use light to make photos more interesting and have more depth.
2. What did you learn about yourself this semester?
What i learned about myself this semester is i'm not very good at seeing things in other perspectives than just plain black and white. My mind is set more on the obvious. For instance, when i look at a coffee mug handle i only see a coffee mug handle, not the letter C. Like how we did in our alphabet project. On the other hand, i learned that you don't have to be a professional. You can make beautiful pictures without having the best equipment or even jus off of your phone.
3.What do you wish we had done that we did not?
I wish the light writing project would have been an actual project instead of just being extra credit. I didn't get time to do the light writing project but i've always wanted to because i think it looks really cool. I also wish we did more projects with film cameras and the dark room because it was a really cool experience and i really liked how the photos turned out and looked kind of old.
4.What was your struggle?
My struggle with photography was using photoshop. I'm not familiar with photoshop really and it was hard for me to remember how to edit some of my pictures. Also, the time limit was hard for me because once i got behind on a project i couldn't catch up in time. So, i have a couple of project that i haven't finished because i got behind and didn't have enough time to catch up. I also had a uncooperative camera that i couldn't get to do some of the things that i wanted/needed it to do.
5. What did you conquer?
I personally think that the projects i did turned out very nicely and i liked them a lot. I mostly liked the self portrait projects and editing them in different, fun ways. I also liked the film project where we got to take random pictures with our film cameras. Like i mentioned before using the film and the dark room were my favorite parts in photography. My favorite part of the film portion of photography was just learning how to use the camera. I really enjoyed photography.
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